Fall Expansion Planned for Special Hands Shoppe

Fall Expansion Planned for Special Hands Shoppe

This Fall, MSI will be expanding the store front at the Special Hands Shoppe in Middlefield.  MSI will be leasing the space next door to the store which will provide additional room for larger furniture and other donated items.  Plans for the new space include a product line unit, a do it yourself gift basket area and a work unit in the rear suite.  In all, an additional 16 MSI workers and two staff will be working at the new building which is located at 15912 West High Street.

As MSI moves into this new building, individuals will be moving out of the rented building at 14945 Madison Road in Middlefield.  All of the individuals attending Madison will have their choice of moving to one of the store units or to GIP.  Madison will continue to be used for storage on a temporary basis.