MSI Strong – A Look Back at the Year of 2020

2020 Year End Review.

2020 started out strong for MSI as we had just hired new Middlefield Area Manager, Cara DuPont and Director of Integration, Deb Boslet was expanding services in the Chesterland area. Deb had coordinated weekly volunteer experiences at Fieldstone Farms and Rescue Village and Community Employment services were continuing to grow, including plans for a Summer Youth program at area businesses. MSI’s integrated work units at Ohio Travel Bag and EGC were running multiple days per week and a new unit at Shiffler Corp. was just getting started. In addition, we had just received a generous grant from the Geauga County Board of DD which would enable MSI to relocate our corporate offices, day program and transportation operations from Chesterland to new locations in Newbury and Chardon.

Then came March and the Coronavirus. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, MSI was forced to close all services to individuals with disabilities from 3/24/20 to 5/24/20. Deemed an essential business, MSI was able to continue completing production work and offering community employment rides with a small group of dedicated staff, coordinators and managers. We had to endure the layoffs of 50% of our staff and a significant loss in revenues from service reimbursements. Financially, MSI has survived through a combination of government grants/loans, Cleveland Foundation Grants and generous donations from private businesses from the Geauga, Trumbull, Portage and Lake County areas.

In late May, we began to offer home based services and activity trips to individuals in our program, and on 5/28/20, we re-opened the Special Hands Shoppe, Choices and GIP programs on a limited basis. By July, our day programs were operating 5 days per week and we re-initiated programming at the Discovery Center in Burton and we also started to bring Chesterland area individuals into the newly renovated Munson Garage in Chardon. In October, total program enrollment had reached close to 50% capacity and a new integrated company unit was launched at Troy Chemical in Burton.

Just as momentum was building, MSI had to brace for yet another setback. Positive COVID-19 tests have resulted in various program shutdowns over the last 6 weeks and our program enrollment has suffered. During the past 8 months, the individuals attending MSI’s programs have been fantastic, complying with building changes, new van routes, social distancing, wearing masks and limited engagement with friends and staff. But, the real heroes for MSI have been the direct support staff who have remained positive during this difficult time. Staff have continued to inspire others through their encouragement, great attitudes, flexibility, teamwork and the strength to overcome these obstacles in order to put the individuals who we serve before themselves.

MSI is heading into the new year with a strong plan! We look forward to the return of all service areas and we would like to serve more individuals than we ever have before. We are planning for new and innovative programs at the MSI Newbury building, additional integrated work units at area businesses and continued expansion of our community employment programs. Special Thanks to the MSI Board of Directors for their dedication and steady guidance over the last 12 months. MSI recently received the honor of being named the 2020 Lake/Geauga Fast Track 50 Non-Profit of the year! We are very proud to be recognized during such a difficult time.

No matter what 2021 may bring, you can be sure that MSI will remain STRONG!
