2017 Year in Review

A Year in Review.

As we look forward to another exciting year for MSI in 2018, I would like to take this time to review some of our agency’s highlights from 2017.

During January, February and March, MSI started to subcontract hourly work with the Trumbull County Board of DD at their Champion location. We also opened the new MSI Discovery Center which is located in Burton. This program provides specialized services to individuals with intense medical and sensory needs. We also started the Brown Bag lunch delivery program out of the Junction Café in Middlefied. In addition, the Enrichment Program was moved from the Metzenbaum School building to the MSI Workshop at 8090 Cedar Road.

Mid year highlights included the welcoming of several individuals into the MSI programs from Portage and Trumbull Counties. Deb White, Chesterland Area Manager started her new duties during August, and we also completed a successful Waiver Review Survey from the Ohio Department of DD.

In September, MSI signed an agreement to provide work for the Sunshine Training Center in Middlefield. The Center serves students from Sunny Hope School who have an interest in vocational training. During October, MSI’s new website was launched with an emphasis on increasing information available to family members of individuals involved with MSI’s programs.

In early November, the Special Hands Shoppe expanded into an adjoining storefront at 15912 W. High St. Later that month, the Choices work unit moved to the new building from the Madison Work Center. Madison is still currently being used for storage. During the month of December, two new light transit vehicles were delivered to MSI. These vans were obtained through ODOT’s Specialized Transportation Grant and bring out fleet total to 17 transit vans. Also, we have welcomed Dominique Smith as our new Store Coordinator and Stacey Smith as a Middlefield Area Program Coordinator. One final feature during December was the start of a new integrated work group at the Eddy’s Fruit Farm Greenhouse.

During the past year, MSI has initiated contract work with several new companies including Beacon Financial Planners, The Cleveland Clinic, FiberCore, Laszeray and Fives Landis. Theresa Lynn and Kim Proprocki have been very instrumental in enhancing our billing systems with the additions of MSI’s own Gatekeeper database system and the Advisor billing module. We have also started to place individuals from Lake County into our adult services program.

In early 2018, we are looking forward to a new partnership with The Lerner School of Autism, which will be placing students in the Chesterland Workshop for vocational training.

MSI continues to be a leader in providing integrated services to individuals with disabilities throughout Geauga, Trumbull, Portage, Cuyahoga and Lake counties.

Lastly, I would like to thank the MSI Board of Directors for their ongoing expertise, insight and support, in providing positive direction for all of our programs.

We are looking forward to another great year in 2018!

Jim Groner